Dogs on the Loose?
Many Fox Island residents have reported an increase in dog
misbehavior. Some of the incidents are unleashed dogs, aggressive dogs who
assault walkers and bikers, and the ever-present piles of doggy doo-doo on the
ground. Please be a good neighbor and scoop your poop from your pet.
Unincorporated Pierce County does have, and does enforce, a leash law.
To report violators of this law, please call the Pierce County
Animal Control Office at 253-798-7387
To contact the Peninsula Detachment of the Pierce County
Sheriff, call 253-798-4941

6.03.010 Animals at Large on Public Grounds.
It is unlawful for the owner or person having control or custody of any
animal to allow such animal to be at large in any
park, or to enter any public beach, pond, fountain, or stream therein,
or upon any public playground or school ground or in any public building.
Any animal entering or trespassing upon such property
may be seized and impounded.
6.03.020 Animals at Large on Private Property.
It is unlawful for the owner or person having control or custody of any
animal to allow such animal to enter or trespass upon
private property without the express permission of the owner or
caretaker of such property. Any such animal may be seized and impounded.
6.03.050 Dogs Jumping and/or Threatening Pedestrians.
It is unlawful for the owner or other person having control of any dog to
allow such dog to frequently or habitually snarl at,
growl at, jump upon, or threaten persons upon the public
sidewalks, roads, streets, alleys, or public places. Any such dog may be
seized and impounded.
6.03.070 Animals Injuring Humans, Domestic Animals, or
Livestock - Gross Misdemeanor.
It is unlawful for the owner or other person having control or custody of
any animal to allow such animal to cause injury to a
human, domestic animal, or livestock which is acting in a lawful
manner. Any such animal may be seized and impounded.
Any violation of this Section is a
gross misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of 365 days in jail and/or a
$5,000.00 fine.
6.03.080 Animals Injuring Private and Public Property -
It is unlawful for the owner or other person having control or custody of
any animal to allow such animal to damage or destroy
any property or thing of value upon the private property of
another, or upon any public property. Any such animal may be seized and
impounded. Any violation of this Section is a
misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and/or a
$1,000.00 fine.
6.03.090 Public Disturbance Noise and Public Nuisance Noise
Made by an Animal.
Any Public Disturbance Noise and Public Nuisance Noise is unlawful and shall
be enforced under the provisions of Chapter 8.72 PCC.
6.10.010 Unincorporated Pierce County is hereby established as
a Dog Control Zone.